
Wyświetlanie postów z styczeń, 2016

Dobre wykonanie - co na to widz? (aktualizacja)

Rozpoczelismy dyskusje na temat mimesis. Stawiam kolejne pytanie - czesto mowimy dobrze zagralem - czy to sie przeklada sie na dobra opinie Widza o aktorze? Czy widz rozpoznaje nasze dobre wykonanie - ma podobna/taka sama opinie? Zalozenia moje: 1. jesli "przezywam" naprawde, jest duzo wieksza szansa na komunikat niz jesli nie przezywam.  opis: "Przezywam" w tym przypadku nie dotyczy TYLKO emocji, ale tez kontroli nad tekstem. Kontrola, o ktorej mowie, to taka o ktorej Irena Jun mowi u Becketta, kiedy chciala dojsc do tempa zalozonego przez samego dramaturga; dojsc do tego tempa pewnie nie jest trudno per se, ale dojsc do tego tempa komunikujac tresc - tzn myslac tekstem, tworzac go na nowo dla odbiorcy - o kolejne pojecie - tzn mowic "mama" ale z mysla o wlasnej matce (lub urojonej) i to wywoluje na nowo emocje - to jest dla mnie przyklad "dobrego" tworzenia na nowo - wiec dojsc do tego tempa tworzac "na nowo" to juz jest wyczyn....

We have not long to love - Williams

We Have Not Long To Love BY  TENNESSEE WILLIAMS We have not long to love.  Light does not stay.  The tender things are those  we fold away.  Coarse fabrics are the ones  for common wear.  In silence I have watched you  comb your hair.  Intimate the silence,  dim and warm.  I could but did not, reach  to touch your arm.  I could, but do not, break  that which is still.  (Almost the faintest whisper  would be shrill.)  So moments pass as though  they wished to stay.  We have not long to love.  A night. A day....

the end - Deconstructing Harry

Deconstructing Harry not to forget. the end.


Nikomu nie trzeba tłumaczyć co to znaczy. Za Horacym - poeta jest jak pszczoła zbierajaca nektar z roznych kwiatow i przerabiajaca je na wlasny miod.  Zawsze wierzyłem, że aktorstwo polega na znalezieniu dojscia do wlasnych atutow, wyrabianiu sposobu myslenia analitycznego, ostatecznie wlasny styl powstaje poprzez dojscie do coraz pewniejszej prawdy o sobie - o wlasnych cechach, barwach, stanach emocjonalnych, o umiejetnosci "dojscia" do siebie samego.   ... dzis w przeddzien roznych spraw, weryfikuje ten poglad. Mimesis, czyli upraszczajac nasladownictwo dotyczy aktorstwa, choc dla mnie (obecnie) w sensie innym niz powszechnie znane.  Nasladownictwo wymaga obserwacji - ergo (moje) rezygnowanie z nasladownictwa bylo bledem, bo koncentruje sie na ego nie poszerzajac go (ego) o te nieskonczone mozliwosci innych bytow. (Mowie tu tylko o kopiowaniu metod innych ludzi. Powtarzaniu za nimi).  Oczywiscie jest tu pewne straszne niebezpieczenstwo art for art's sake i...

przepracowanie to wymaga oddzielnego komentarza. Dotyczego fikcji i rzeczywistosc. Checi przepracowania rzeczywistosci. niewygodnych pytan i odpowiedzi. musze to przemyslec. Warto to obejrzec, a wlasciwie Obserwowac. Taka mnie naszla refleksja o 5 wieczorem w Stanach - teatr ma sens dopoki nikt z nas nie ma racji. racje swoja znajdzie widz. "nie boj sie tatusiu. bedziemy twoja pamiecia zewnetrzna". 1.00.10 PS. abstrahujac, cos mi sie dzis udalo. cos waznego. do zapamietania. tu jest szczescie. w tym miejscu (nie geograficznym).

Twelve years a slave.

Historia prawdziwa. Bolesny film. Wchodzi do kanonu filmow opowiadajacych o opresji - sceny zmuszania do tanca u mnie przywoluja sceny hitlerowcow kazacych zydom robic to samo. Zmagania jednostki, zeby odzyskac wolnosc. Wszystko to rusza, choc film nie jest sentymentalny. Jedna scena - kiedy bohater spiewa - nie ma wyjasnienia w filmie dlaczego (!) - przechodzi caly proces myslowy wiary w boga - ze bog go uwolni, ze da mu sile. Takie sceny mnie ruszaja maksymalnie. Z tego samego powodu uwielbiam filmy z Robertem de Niro. Nie ma wyjasnien zbednych (jak zapowiedzi wydarzen w Whiplash) - aktor daje szanse widzom. Nawet w takich filmach jak "meet the fockers" (!). Nawet w tych filmach on tak precyzyjnie buduje sceny (!). o tej scenie pisze. 

Poświatowska na nowo Halina Poswiatowska (miała tylko 32 lata w momencie śmierci). Słucham tego po raz nie wiem ktory. Słysze w tym ludzi, głosy, wspomnienia, myśli. Przemyślana konstrukcja całosci i pojedyncze prawdy wykonawcow. Tak rzadko sie słyszy ludzi, ktorzy wchodza glebiej. Znani aktorzy, ktorzy slizgaja sie po wierzchu tekstu stylizujac glosem tresc... Ci, ktorzy dotkneli kiedys prawdy scenicznej, wiedza ze wykonanie jest gdzie indziej. W zrozumieniu i odnalezieniu siebie w tym. Nie ma w tym przesady co pisze. Wiem, ze tak jest. Nie ma to tez nic wspolnego z atrakcyjnoscia. Mozna prosciutko. Mozna tez atrakcyjnie. Ale mysl... mysl jest komunikatywna. Malo czasu na to poswiecamy. Za malo. Te panie swietnie czuja sie w tych tekstach. To wielka przyjemnosc czuc ich chec zrozumienia, wnikniecia. Pisze te slowa pod wplywem tej poezji.

The Martian

I am catching up on movies in my spare time - usually late in the evenings. I am watching all the 2014/15 movies. I have seen the Martian (2015?) with Matt Damon and I liked it a lot - a simple story, the conflicts are there, nothing sensational about it, yet intruiging nad full of emotions - we get to see action but not an overabundance of it, just enough (and there are moments when we can get into the head of the protagonist). And the most thrilling of all, the concept - a man stranded on a planet! We all cheer for him, we hope he will manage to survive, overcome all obstacles and return home. This is an extension of an idea of being stranded on a desert island - a modern twist on that reality. And quite successful in my opinion. It is good entertainment. directed: Ridley Scott

theater - the basics

I have come to terms with what I believe is a fundamental statement - I have no idea about my theatrical tradition. I mean, I have read books and I believe I know who did what.... but I do not understand the underlying priniciples behind doing theater. I want to go back, and understand the need, and the basic forms. These thoughts came to me while I was helping Barry organize his prints. I look at them, and I et a feeling, but it is pretty shallow. I have a deeper understanding of theatrical forms, but in truth, I should delve into it on a much deeper level. I am writing an article about American Community Theater for a newspaper. It is interesting stuff. Ps. The Guardian by Barry Herem

Algorytmy kultury

Warto to obejrzeć. Tak, algorytmy.

trying out - food

I am glad my visit here is drawing to a close. I have learned much. The most important lesson is that "why not" - to take hold of opportunity when there is a chance.  The same applies to food - today I have tried some Japanese cuisine. I was reluctant at first; but with every bite, I got more and more conviced that it was worth a try, because my buds were attacked by new combinations of flavor. That is the way I am - apparently it is a personality trait - I am unwilling to try. Well, that;s that. I just have to remember.  The thing on the bottom right that looks like cabbage with wasabi (the green kind of thick sauce on the left) and sesame oil was exqusite. The black wrapping is seaweed.

The universe and personal desires

There was a type of energy in the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor, as if the universe was giving this energy to them. The idea is that the energy they put behind them is always vital, crucial to achieve one's goals. What one needs is conviction. The belief in their cause gave them that energy; the same with Hitler - a great deal of commitment and hatred was put into trying to get rid of Jews. (unlike the people who do not have the power to act; are passive). He was also at the same time an embodiment of what people sought in these times - so a greater power was behind him. (if only hatred spurred him to do what he did) ...Incorporating this concept into one's own life - it is important to strive for your goal every day. Have this conviction.  Ask yourself every day "is this what I want." Revisiting this question should make it easier to develop in the direction of your desires. This is what I have found in one of the metaphysical books of Barry Herem.

More of the photos (4)


More photos of the trip (3)


More photos of the trip (2)


More photos of the trip (1)

I got them from Clayton today. I met Johnny Depp in San Francisco. And later it was only getting more interesting...


It so happens that two people from Poland wrote to me about it - powerball. There is 900.000.000 dollars to win. Who knows and why not. One thing I am learning here is dont miss out on opportunities. They are knocking at your door.

usa - crazy trip - california to Everett - day two

The second day we went further north stopping to enjoy glorious sunlight and admire the amazing views of the ocean and the perfect balance of nature. It put a smile on our faces. We stopped so many times, because next places seemed to have an even better scenic view than the previous ones. It was interesting to see the changing colors of the daytime. We started at 7 in the morning, and the colors were light and the trees had a distinct bright yellowish glare.  Thanks to Clayton's urge we went to another performance in a smaller city. I have to remember that moment as I apparently have the tendency to miss out on opportunities. I need to incorporate Clayton's view of life. He said "why not"... that is exactly what DeWayne used to say. This is who we are - entangled in each other's lives. We influence one another without realizing it. It was Clayton who introduced DeWayne to this idea of "why not". I hope I will talk myself into it.  The perform...

USA - crazy trip from San Francisco to Everett, day 1

Clayton Handy took me on a trip from Chico, California to Everett, WA. A three day trip by car. First, we went down south to San Francisco. What a magnificent city. Unbelievably beautiful. We entered the city crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. I had a wonderful thought. A Polish guy like me in San Francisco. What an amazing thing to do. The only thing missing was somebody to share it with. We went to the science museum which included an aquarium and we were able to see all the fish up close. We saw the rainforest and the natural habitat. Then, Clayton announced that he bought tickets to a theater in San Francisco. Really expensive tickets. I felt bad about it, but I was grateful at the same time. So we saw "stage kiss" a really funny comedy with a twist. I had a chance to talk to the director who said she had not talked to anybody about such details for a long time (as I have expressed my opinions) and that I should send her an email. (I surely will).  What attracted my a...